Early Scheduling Advantages: Book Your Chimney Inspection This Spring

an ornate white old-fashioned chimney with purple flowers growing near it

We love to educate our customers in hopes that maybe all our chimney knowledge will somehow pay off during a trivia night…you never know, right? So here is some more fun chimney knowledge to add to your belt: You should be scheduling a chimney inspection on an annual basis – no matter your fuel or […]

5 Reasons To Schedule Your Annual Chimney Inspection Early

Early Chimney Inspection - Cincinnati OH - Mid Valley winter

Chimney inspections are important part of fireplace ownership. In fact, according to the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), by simply scheduling a chimney inspection before every burning season, you can significantly reduce your risk of experiencing chimney fires and other hazards significantly. However, far too many neglect this maintenance, assuming that since their system worked fine […]